At, we are dedicated to providing accessible and flexible solutions for all users. We proudly offer a pay-as-you-go model, giving you the freedom to use our cutting-edge AI technology on your own terms, without being tied down by recurring fees. For those with greater needs, we also offer subscription pricing models to provide even more value and convenience.
Speech to Text
/ minute
Charge by minute
Download src or txt file
400 free transcription minutes
Text to Speech
/ 1K characters
Charge based on the number of characters, and round to the nearest $0.001
Download wav or mp3 file
7692 free characters for speech synthesis
Voice Cloning
/ cloning
$0.26 / 1K characters when using your trained model for text to speech
3 free voice clonings and 7692 free characters for speech synthesis
Got a mountain of voice tasks? Opt for our subscription plans to enjoy better cost efficiency. Ideal for users who need more than pay-as-you-go!
Speech to Text
/ month
200 hours audio to transcribe per month
Download src or txt file
Voice Cloning and Text to Speech
/ month
20 voice clonings per month
120,000 text to speech characters